Become a volunteer trainer at Avila Creative Soccer. Being a summer volunteer is a blast! The volunteer’s main duty would be to help out younger players in their weekly scrimmages. In addition to helping players learn proper soccer principles, volunteers gain leadership skills, job experience, and soccer training.
Volunteer Trainer for Scrimmages Tasks
Help explain core passing concepts known as The four S’s–short, simple, soft and sideways whenever possible
Help players learn passing lanes and off-the-ball movement (see videos below)
Help players keep their positions throughout sessions
Assist with warm-up exercises or drills
Reporting unruly or unsportsmanlike behavior to trainers
Use positive reinforcement to encourage players, especially when they show an understanding of possession
Help distribute pinnies to players as teams are assigned
Check to make sure all players have their wristbands (or direct them appropriately if they don’t)
Help with field set-up, including arranging cans and cones
Volunteer Qualifications
At least 11 years old
Must be at least a Level 2 Orange player
must be able to commit at least 3 dates of volunteer work
minimum 45 minutes and up to 2.25 hours per date
must be comfortable helping younger players in their scrimmage sessions
Volunteer Orientation Info
Volunteers must attend a mandatory orientation at our Anderson Mill facility
Saturday, May 28, 2022
1:00–2:00 PM
Avila Soccer – Anderson Mill (8863 Anderson Mill Rd, Austin, TX 78729)
For questions, please email Coach Marco at or call/text 512-710-6406
Volunteer Shifts for Scrimmages
The volunteer shifts below are specified start times. To volunteer, we require a minimum commitment of three recurring 45-minute sessions ( example, Wednesdays–June 2, 9, 16 at 3:30p ). Volunteers are welcome to commit throughout the entire summer and up to 2.25 hours per day but the start times below may not change.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out the form through the link below to let us know when you’d like to volunteer.
All Avila Volunteers must adhere to the dress code:
Avila volunteer shirt
Black shorts
Black socks
Players will not be allowed to volunteer if they are not in dress code.
Letter from Coach Eryck
What Volunteerism means to me
Soccer is as much about meaning as it is about sport. For young people, having or developing a sense of meaning or mission in life is fundamental. For those with an interest or ability in sports (Soccer), this can be a portal to those life skills and disciplines that can lead to a more value-driven lifestyle. Do you have the dedication to aid young people to develop such meaning? Volunteering at Avila Soccer can be both important and fun. Volunteering is not about work; it is about mentoring and using your skills to involve others.
For those of you who will actually be Voluntary Skills Trainers, it is not so important that you know exactly how to render the Avila Method–it’s about showing up and being present, not because you were paid, but to send the powerful message to children that “you matter,” and that’s why “I’m here.”
Not all the tasks we need done involve such direct influence on youth. Some tasks are unsung, like handing out flyers and cleaning up.
You can be the person who guides someone on their first day at our facility as they cultivate a sense of the live event and experience that sense of attainment that comes with learning moves at Avila.
I firmly believe that your good deeds and activism will come back to influence your life in positive ways and I want to thank you for your participation and that special mindset of thinking of others first.