Avila’s local CoS (Chief of Staff–one in charge of making trainer schedules) will put new hires in contact with ADP (payroll processing servicer). Please provide them the following information to get set up with direct deposit payments.
A pay period consists of 2 weeks and ends two days before payday. Count and submit these hours to Avila’s CoS for review. A courtesy reminder will be sent on Wednesday afternoon prior to payday, but it will be the trainer’s responsibility to submit their hours.
Hours will be checked for accuracy and sent to ADP for processing every second Thursday. Please make sure to submit your hours a day before (every second Wednesday) to avoid delays in getting paid.

Pay period

Thu, May 26 – Wed, June 8

Submit hours

Wed, June 8

Hours checked

Thu, June 9


Fri, June 10
Payday is by direct deposit every second Friday morning



Arrive Early

Start each session on time

Managing Volunteers

Divide your field by age and level

Avila’s Wristbands Purposes

Be intensely watchful

Show your foot skills

No long lines

Don't mistake activity for achievement

Use of hybrid games

Change group dynamics

Keep checking the lobby

Avoid inappropriate parent conversation

Equal time for everyone

Stay off your phones for personal use

Constantly keep the field clean

Avoid and reporting injuries

Demand gracious behavior