An Unforced Error occurs when a player gives the ball away freely to an opposing team, even though no particular pressure was asserted against them. A mistake in play that is attributed to one’s own failure rather than the skill or effort of their opponent. These errors usually don’t happen when players train on their own. It’s not as if an opponent tackled them, rather, discrepancies are caused by emotional and mental drawbacks associated with competition. Unforced Error Ratio asks the player, “What happens when you move around, get your heart rate up a little? When teammates and opponents are rotating around you in a game, do you have the same skill level?”
Unforced Error Ratio is scored based on specific questions pertaining to the 10 common reasons players make unforced errors. Up to 1 point each.
Hold the ball too long and even though they mean well, they’re too slow in deciding what to do. Takes too many touches.
Does not know what to do with the ball next, doesn’t know the correct decision to make.
They have poor first-touch every time they receive the ball. They haven’t mastered basic trapping and passing technique, either through lack of practice or they’re lacking coordination, they have sensory integration issues.
Lack of overall movement, so that every time they get the ball they’re not free and clear, they’re always marked with no passing lanes open. They position themselves in closed passing lanes.
They don’t play it simple. In other words, they always play the hero pass, the long ball, the complicated thing.
They fail to track their teammates’ movements. They’re so focused because they’re nervous about what the other team is doing that they are not aware of where their own teammates are.
They are selfish and will only use teammates if they themselves are in extreme trouble at the last moment.
They believe every opportunity should be taken to go forward. They have been conditioned to think of possession as not having a purpose.
They make what for most players would be the right decision, which is to carry the ball up field, for example. But they simply are too physically slow to do that. They don’t know their limitations.
They have several specific skills that they care about and excel at, but have a little respect for passing and so skimp on the little tiny details of passing technique which should help them complete passes more often, even though they do know how to pass well.